Frequently Asked Questions

Hopefully we have answered many of your questions below, but please email if you have anything else you would like to ask us.

Are you insured?

Yes, Pipers Day Care for Dogs is insured with a specialist animal insurance company.  Our cover includes public liability, and day care custody and control.

Are you licensed?

Yes, we are licensed by Maldon District Council under the Animal Welfare Act with a 4 Star rating, which means our business meets the higher standards of Animal Welfare. A 5 Star rating is only achievable after 3 years of operating, so we are delighted to be awarded the highest rating possible for a start-up business

Why does my dog need an Assessment before attending day care?

Whilst day care suits many dogs, it is not for all.  An Assessment is crucial in identifying whether your dog is likely to be comfortable in a day care environment.  Breed type, age, health, temperament, social skills all play a part in assessing whether your dog is a good fit.

How do I book an Assessment for my dog?

To book a Free Assessment please fill in the Contact Form - see Contact, or email

What if my dog fails the Assessment?

If your dog fails the Assessment, please don’t take offence!  As dog owners we have high expectations for our dogs and in an ideal world would like them to be comfortable around every dog they meet, but these are expectations that we as humans find hard to follow.  We do not want to greet everyone we meet in the street or have strangers come into our space uninvited, and neither do our dogs.  Your dog’s welfare is at the heart of our decision.

Will my dog be supervised at all times?

Absolutely. We have a high staff to dog ratio (1:8) and will never leave your dog unattended.

What training do your staff undertake?

All our staff are trained in Canine Behaviour and Canine First Aid, and have previous experience working with dogs. At least one member of staff in attendance each day is Ofqual Level 3 qualified. We work closely with dog training, behavioural and veterinary experts as your dog’s health and well-being is our priority.

How can I be sure my dog will be safe and well looked-after?

As dog lovers and dog owners, we will treat your dog as if it were our own.  Our whole purpose is to provide a safe, fun, stimulating environment for your dog to play off-lead with other dogs under the careful supervision of trained staff.  We take our job of caring for your beloved dog very seriously. We are fully insured and are supported by our local veterinary practice. We are located on our own site with CCTV, security entry system and private client parking.

Do you mix large dogs with small dogs?

It is not the size of the dog that is the deciding factor; for example a ‘gentle giant’ might make the perfect companion for a ‘petite pooch’ but a quiet, old Golden Retriever might take umbrage to being matched with a lively young Labrador of the same size!  That’s why our Registration Assessment is so crucial; we take everything into consideration before mixing any dog.

How long are the play times and will there be rest time?

Play times and rest times vary depending on the dog.  For instance, a young pup may want to play all day, but regular periods of downtime ‘are a must’ during a pup’s development.

Do you provide ‘all-weather’ facilities?

Yes we do.  Our indoor facility is second to none in our area; nothing compares!  Our outdoor play is fully secure with 6’ high fencing, shade and shelter. In addition, we have 3 acres of field where your dog will be taken on slow, sniffy walks to process all the scents and engage in naturally enriching behaviours.

Will my dog be crated or kennelled?

The term Dog Day Care is used to describe a supervised environment in which dogs play off-lead with other dogs. Like a children’s creche, dog day care facilities include caring, compassionate staff, plenty of safe fun playground equipment, snack and naptimes.  A dog would only be separated or crated for a specific reason – such as to feed away from the other dogs, or to give a young puppy time-out to rest and sleep.

Can I place more than one dog in day care?

Of course, and we offer special deals for more than one dog from the same family (see Services).

Do you allow puppies into day-care?

We welcome puppies over 12 weeks of age once they are out of their vaccination period.  Our Day Care is an ideal place for them to socialise (with plenty of rest, of course!).

Do you accept unneutered dogs?

Yes we do, however our priority is to ensure a safe and socially friendly environment.  Therefore, bitches in season will not be allowed to attend Pipers for the duration of their season, whilst male dogs will be carefully monitored and if showing signs of unwanted behaviour must be neutered before being allowed back in to day care.

How regularly must I book my dog into Day Care?

Some dogs join us every day, whilst others visit once or twice a week.  As dogs thrive on structure and familiarity, we ask that you commit to regular sessions.

Can my dog stay overnight, at weekends and during holidays?

We are a day care business only, operating Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays.

What happens in the case of an emergency?

You will be contacted immediately and, if necessary, we will take your dog to your nominated vet or to our local surgery, which is only a couple of miles away.

Can I view the facilities?

Yes, of course, we would be delighted to show you around our unique Day Care. To make an appointment please fill in the Contact Form - see Contact, or email

Why should I choose Pipers Day Care for Dogs?

View our facilities, meet our team and we think you’ll agree that we offer a premium service and the best Day Care in our area.

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